Executor Workshops

A Series Of Interactive And Informative Workshops Designed To Educate Your Audience And Grow Your Business


Meet And Engage More Prospects With Our Executor Workshops

The Executor Workshop program developed by Maloney Certified Executor Advisors will help you share valuable information with your clients and their families. Moreover, this program will help you develop a partnership with a retirement residence in your community. Together, you will be able to help grow each other’s profile and ultimately your business.

Develop More Business From Existing Clients

Why the Executor Workshop?

In case you haven’t been paying attention, the Canadian population is aging. We now have more people over the age of 65 then we do under the age of 15 for the first time in our history. It may not surprise you but over 60% of the wealth in Canada is held by those over the age of 55. We are entering into the period where there will be over $1.5 trillion in inter-generational wealth transfers in Canada over the next 20 years. 

However, a significant number of families are going to be torn apart because the estates and the Executors are going to be totally unprepared. Most families will want to avoid these pitfalls and our workshop will help them identify potential problems and how they can work with an advisor today to set their Executors up for success.

We Create An Avenue To Develop More Referrals

Most advisors are not comfortable presenting in front of larger groups. Moreover, not all advisors consider themselves experts when it comes to fully understanding the role and duties of an Executor. That is why we conduct the seminars on behalf of the advisor as the third party expert. With our experience, we will be able to present the subject matter and answer the questions from the attendees. We will also be able to position the services and the products available to advisors when answering these questions.
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